


social action, sociality, communication, social knowledge, values


The article is devoted to the aspectual consideration of the tradition of interpretations of the concept of social action in the sociological and philosophical thought of the twentieth century. from the point of view of outlining the typology of approaches to this concept. The relevance of the article is determined by the relevance and meaning-generating potential of the concept of social action in the context of the search for modern social sciences and humanities. The aim of the article is to consider the concept of social action in the historical and philosophical tradition on the occasion of the forms of its modern life and interpretation in different paradigmatic approaches in philosophy and sociology. It is noted that the concept of social action acquires the status of interdisciplinarity for a wide range of modern sciences of society and man. The initial theoretical problem of the concept of social action is outlined – the complexity of distinguishing between areas of empirical experience and theoretical description in the fixation and translation of social action in the form of knowledge or experience. The scientific novelty of the study is presented in an attempt to topologize approaches to the concept of social action. Theoretical basis. The author used the methodology of theoretical and conceptual analysis, hermeneutic and historical-philosophical consideration. The focus is on elucidating the paradoxical nature of the concept of social action on the verge of implementation, description, explanation and understanding. The main trend in the development of the concept of social action on the basis of its convergence with the concept of communication, and hence the philosophy of language. It is indicated that the direction of further research on the topic may be to outline the political and communicative aspects of social action. Conclusions. Modern approaches to social action can be conditionally typed into the following areas, each of which has its own paradigmatic features: traditional, phenomenological, structuralist, constructivist and analytical. The modern interpretation of social action is an interdisciplinary concept in which the research intentions of both the humanities and the exact and natural sciences intersect.


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