axiosphere, consciousness, information, virtual environment, communication, mimicry, reality, dependence, individuality.Abstract
Summary. The purpose of the article is to study the value space of the virtual environment of communication in the context of the formation of a new value paradigm inherent in the modern information society. The methodology of scientific work is based on the method of critical analysis, analytical and descriptive methods of research, the work uses phenomenological and socio-philosophical approaches. The scientific novelty of the article is represented by the fact that it analyzes the valuable space of the axiosphere of virtual thinking, which is in the process of constant transformation. In the presentation of the main material, the sociocultural foundations of the formation of the axiosphere of virtual thinking are considered. The ambiguity and contradiction of the process of formation of a new value field is indicated, which is characterized by a certain social mimicry and intellectual degradation, mythologizing of consciousness, etc. The research states that modern digital communication technologies provide the possibility of instant involvement in collective processes of information exchange, but at the same time, the psychological barriers of human selfhood are destroyed as certain existential phenomena that are closely related to human individuality with its biological conditioning to touch his own unique path to self-actualization. Such a global digital community creates a society of effective communicative exchange, but at the same time it promotes the spread of impulses of anxiety and social nihilism, conscious and unconscious actions aimed at breaking through to one’s own existence, uniqueness, subjectivity, which dissolves in the network of a new virtual axiosphere. In the article, mostly in a critical descriptive style, the issues outlined above are considered, at the same time, the constructive functions of the virtual environment are also stated. In the conclusions, the generalization of the scientific research determined by the topic of the article is carried out, the relevance of further research into the axiosphere of virtual thinking is emphasized, which is a motivating, controlling and price-forming basis of the information society, which has a direct worldview influence on the value foundations of modern society.
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