bioethics, euthanasia, abortion, artificial insemination, churchesAbstract
The article analyzes the main issues of bioethics, which concern important aspects of human existence in the modern world. Among the main ones are the concepts of euthanasia, abortion, use of stem cells, artificial insemination, cloning. The essence of the main aspects of the concept of euthanasia and abortion is revealed, the negative manifestation of these issues is shown. Bioethics has shown that the position of people and the approach to solving these problems are so contradictory and ambiguous. Bioethics emphasizes the importance and value of human existence and tries to use all means to preserve earthly life. In particular, in the context of this issue, christian churches also oppose the introduction of these methods and call for other options to address these critical issues. One of the proposed alternatives, for example, is palliative treatment, which will allow the patient to feel safe in the last moments of his life. The position of individual Christian churches on certain issues has been clarified. The position of various churches, for example the Orthodox and Catholic, is clearly negative. Christian churches adhere to the traditional generally Christian view, which considers such actions unacceptable. Their representatives consider these things unacceptable and oppose abortion, euthanasia, artificial insemination, and in particular cloning. This attitude is reflected in various church documents. They claim that man is destined for life. Any denial of this is considered unacceptable and condemned by the christian churches. The allegations indicate that these issues are difficult and need careful discussion and explanation. The development of biology and medicine in combination with the secularization of society requires a sensible position in solving problems of bioethics. Bioethics emphasizes the moral and ethical aspect of considering these issues.
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