
  • Vitaly KRIKUN Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv



truth, verity, post-truth, influence, post-truth world, mass communication, information society


Introduction. The paper contains information about the essence of the post-truth. Also reveals its methodological function regarding communicative practice and concerns the actuality of giving questions and peculiarities. The author gives an overview of the most popular approaches towards to the post-truth interpretation. This paper presents several important definitions and concepts of the posttruth. The purpose of this article is to presenting a critical analysis of the phenomenon of the post-truth in the modern information space. Methodological principles. In the process of the post-truth’ phenomenon studying such methods have been uses: method of historiographical analysis – for systematization of primary sources and scientific literature related to post-truth’ phenomenon; comparative analysis – for comparing the most impotent concepts of the post-truth; comparative-historical method – for identification of socio-historical conditions within the post-truth were actualized. Scientific novelty. The author considers such proposition: proposes to consider post-truth as a socio-cultural value which provides when a point of view forming lacking a value orientation for truth, objectivity, sincerity; consider the individual critical thinking skills’ development; forming a social responsibility for evading of the truth as effective means of counteraction to circulation of the post-truth. Conclusion. The specific feature of post-truth is its focus on the emotional methods of influence within communicative practice. The post-truth circulation is significantly facilitated by the lack of punishment for evading the truth. Loss of the socio-cultural value’s true status is one of the biggest dangers for the modern democratic societies because of circulation of the post-truth. The post-truth became an effective means of achieving goals, especially under conditions of domination of the mass media in the 21st. Development of the effective counteraction to the post-truth is becoming an important task of modern democratic societies and the scientific community.


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