actor, network, hybridity, social practices, actornetwork theory, social interaction, reflectionAbstract
The purpose. The aim of the article is to consider the basic ideas of the actor-network theory of B. Latour, which can serve as a heuristic potential in understanding the complex processes of social life. The methodological foundations of the study are the use of anthropological and phenomenological approaches, as well as outlining the methodological potential of actor-network theory. The scientific novelty lies in the characteristics of the heterogeneous nature of the network, which is formed during the interaction of disparate elements – both social and technical. Networks constitute a new morphology of social life, and the spread of “network logic” is significantly reflected in all social processes. The actor-network model allows us to see the interconnectedness and unity of social reality without artificially contrasting social-semantic constructs and the material world. Action in the social space is left to a clear differentiation by level of importance, so it does not matter who or what carries it out. To be no longer the same as to exist, but rather to be equal to to act, to show the ability to interact and interact. Conclusions. B. Latour's ideas of actor-network theory have significant innovative potential. They introduce into the scientific discourse of the analysis of social networks as components of social interaction new epistemological means. The revision of established narratives of perception of reality, the development of new conceptual ways of understanding changes in social processes opens up other possibilities in the social sciences and the humanities in general. Such an understanding of the realities of the modern social world blurs the line between the material and the spiritual, the human and the world of objects, and so on. The introduction of fullfledged social actors of animals, things, phenomena, etc. requires understanding them as social actors who can significantly change the social picture and influence the nature, behavior, thoughts of man. The ideas of actor-network theory outline the prospect of updating the body of theoretical knowledge about society and set the paradigmatic horizons of the modern goal of the theoretical level of social cognition. Reflection and analysis of social change as the only interconnected processes with many social elements is an urgent problem and a prospect for further scientific research.
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