spiritual and moral education, spiritual values, cultural and historical type, philosophical tradition, educational and pedagogical practiceAbstract
In the article we analyze the importance of philosophy in the context of civic-patriotic and spiritual-moral education of student youth. The study examines the possibilities of philosophy in the context of spiritual and patriotic values formation. In this aspect, education and upbringing arise as determining consolidating, developing, stabilizing, scientific-cognitive and cultural-educational institution of society, civic and patriotic formation of youth, formation of its historical memory. In this way, young people should be taught to evaluate historical phenomena on the basis of the principles of historical authenticity, scientificity, humanism, charity, as well as from the standpoint of security and ensuring intergenerational relations, creating security guarantees for the Ukrainian nation. The implementation of the principle “My school is my home; my home is my family; my family is my homeland”. There have been studied the filling of the concepts “Motherland” and “patriotism” with a new value content, understanding of philosophical traditions and features as a civilization, a separate cultural and historical type. There are revealed the main ideas of Ukrainian educators on the national-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the modern educational space. It is proved that the religious and spiritual factor should be taken into account in the system of higher education in terms of its transformation and entry into the Bologna process. It is essential to ensure the implementation of the principles of objectivity, scientificity, national and patriotic orientation in the combination of religion, church and spiritual and humanitarian education of student youth in Ukraine in order to integrate the state into the European community, world civilization processes, determine the state educational strategy and carrying out activities to implement national-patriotic education of children, military-patriotic education of student youth, militarypatriotic education and affirmation of national identity of students, affirmation of national identity of civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies and formation of Ukrainian political nation.
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